
Samson! The Proverbial Son.

samson I spend most of my time on the net so i get to see different stories. Mind blowing ones to be precise.Here is one.Do hope you enjoy it. My son and I have been reading the book of Judges, and we came across the story of Samson. My son immediately waved is hand dismissively, stating, "I know that story." He's had these manga bible stories for quite some time, and references them frequently, but like I usually tell him, those are animated and much of the text is omitted. They stick to the basics of the more well-known stories, but there is much lost if only something like that is relied on, because everything in that bible is there for a reason and a purpose. So, knowing the basics of the story myself, I was interested to see what God might point out to me. We had already covered the beginning of Samson's story, concerning the foretelling of his birth. So we started this particular study on chapter 14 of the book of Judges. However, I just

Why Dine With The Devil When You Can Have Fun With An Angel

Hello readers, so I came across this on one my favorite blogs and I fell in love with it. Not because I get to read most of the articles but because this piece is truly loving and inspirational.I hope you get to love it the way I do. Creativity is inspiration. We are able to do, speak, write and even, achieve much of our heart desires through inspiration. And most importantly, we all have ways by which we can stir up our creativity to reveal our innermost beings/parts. Don't stop your creativity when it wants to flow and always live by inspiration. A piece I penned recently because of inspiration: Angel:by Isaac Parbey My mama told me once, That I was a fool. I did not believe, but I thought that was cruel. I had you by my side, I thought you were good. I didn't know you were a lie, Sucking on my blood. I could have walked out long ago Be done with you from the start Hook After all these years, I realize she was true I've put up with you, Now

Staying Illuminated.The Right Key to Finding Your Bright Purpose in Life

Would apologise to my beloved readers about this inspirational thoughts today but i felt it is highly needed. In a world trying to break you, one needs to raise his or her spirit up. I want to share this truth with you. I know many of us as healers, light workers, and solopreneurs get told that we need to be, "more realistic," and that we have to let go of the "woo-woo" and get with the program already. Well, I want to leave you with this inspiration to keep in mind. You're here for a purpose and especially if others can't see that, you should see it. There will be people who will try to dim your light and pull you back down to "earth." Where "real shit" is happening. Sometimes you might even catch yourself falling out of your own orbit, from the emotional weight that they carry and are throwing at you. See past their illusion. For some people it is too painful to see shining lights in the sky, when their world is crumbling,

Your Comfort Zone. Thoughts When You Step Into It

One topic flowing through my mind is this imaginary world known as "my comfort zone" There's a ton of talk about stepping outside your comfort zone and pursuing your dreams. But what happens if we don't do that? What happens if we allow fear, worry, current reality, and ego to make our decisions? What does stepping back into your comfort zone look like? While it looks different for everybody. We all know how it feels. It feels stale. It feels old. It isn't exactly how you picture your life to look. You'll start to agree with those who put down your original plan to step outside of the comfort zone. Maybe, even get along with everyone better. Your life isn't the topic of conversation anymore. In fact, nobody's bugging you about your decisions because you're not doing anything risky. Each day is a repeat of the day before, and the week before. You're not happy with yourself, and you're starting to develop regrets. But I gue

Escaping The Comfort Zone! The Butterfly: Becoming Wildly Free

Hi. Am a lover of animals and birds. Mostly anything with wings.So is only fair i use one of my favorite winged creature. Have you ever wondered what goes through the mind of a butterfly as she pushes herself out of the cocoon? There's definitely a choice she has to make: To stay in the cocoon or to burst herself outwards. If she decides to stay, she will surely die. Her cocoon can't feed her anymore. But a dilemma pops up, her cocoon is all she knows. She's felt the cocoon, seen the cocoon, been fed by the cocoon. And though she isn't satisfied with living in the cocoon anymore, she can't fully trust anything else. Outside the cocoon is a mystery, and she can't see what's out there. All she has is the instinctual call to leave for that new sacred space. The truth is, if she pushes through, past the comfort of the cocoon, she'll find a world that was made for her. Filled with flowers, abundance, and new heights for her to fly up into. It

What Won't I Give Up For You

Relationship Goals This is a short poem written to the very first girl that stole my heart.Never the type to believe in love. Always felt it belonged to the married couples, the grown ups. Love has no place for the youth. The exact words I told myself. Not until I meant Chiamaka. A goddess in human form and in a teenager's body. Feelings never felt before nor could I ever explain ran through my spine accompanied with feverishly sensations. What could be wrong??..Was I coming down with something or was it the general expression of developing cold feets I have heard a thousand times. I may not have the answers . But this am clearly sure of. No one has ever made me feel this way. Keeping me on edge with every turn and twist of your seductive body. I hope this short poetry could make you notice me and bring me out of my total awkwardness. People speak of fate and meeting people of chance Finding of soul mates and love at first glance. Alignment of planets Shoo

A Bleeding Soul

A Bleeding Soul Had a friend (a girl to be specific). Miss Oyoma.The smartest one in the bunch.Could never beat her when it comes to academics, charity and humility. what didn't I try.Let me rephrase. What didn't we all try. She taught me everything I know and how to be competitive. Fight for your place in life she would say but  remember is not a crime if you don't make it in your first try. Do hold this very words dearly "Never give up in life" I wish those were the last words you said to me. No, I wish you never said a last word to me. That way I could get to keep you around. Sit by your feet and bath in your knowledge. But you had to go. Leave me stranded in a world filled with questions. The least I could do is pick myself up by my bootstraps and walk in your shadows hoping one day I get to stand tall, shoulders held high and tell the world you made me this man I am today. I believe that day is today. You deserve this tears  miss. How do