Thoughts From A Broken Heart.

Success has never been an easy ride. It has it's ups and downs and I must stress on the down part. Every sane being in life wants to be successful. Just one quick nap takes you to wonderland. A land where you get to live your best. Have that mansion, buy the latest things life could only dream to afford. Scanning through the flat plastics called television, one could simply go nuts from all the reality shows being aired. For those really depressed, I would quickly run through three. KUWTK 1. KUWTK : Now for those who still prefers the stone age or basically avoids the monster known as television because of it's rapid increase in stealing your life span by offering your soul watering programmes, this is a reality show with a bunch of girls (sisters-The Kardasians) and one beautiful mother Kris Jenner (Am sorry. I happen to like her) that shows wealth in a new dimension.And I don't mean in a good way. Next on the list is the famous 2.RICH KIDS OF BEVERLY HIL...