Why we dear literature! (and strongly encourage you do too)

Why We Love Literature Literature, creative writing, books. This model debate the business of three of the commanding writers of the Romantic age, the poets Lord Byron and Percy Shelley, and the novelist Mary Shelley. Famously, these three writers lived and composition together during the aestival of 1816, an digression that propagate two of the governing myths of up-to-the-minute science, Frankenstein and the Vampire. Throughout their rush these writers were pledged in a creative and captious colloquy with each other that addressed mayor instrument contain: conceptions of the intrepid; the possibilities of political shift; literary, expert and biologic nature; the East; culpable affection; gender roles; and the Gothic. The model will foresee an occurrence to study these writers’ composition in detail and to examine them within their historical, cultural and mental contexts. Students also need to contemplate further side which may intercept list, stationery, ...