Hey Beautiful

Am never the one to apologise.
I love being in control
The feel of been powerful,
The enormous energy bursting through one's veins
And the sudden truth that makes me invisible.
It Keeps me excited
It gets me going
It's what makes me *ME*.

But Lately, 
I have lost  it all
It's all gone
The Feeling, 
The energy
Am weightless

You have taken total control
And I can't get it back. 

Your beauty engulfs my heart all Morning
Because you all I can think off
Seeing you giggle,
Has been the highlight of my dreams

I want to please you in a thousand ways possible,
Cuddle with you a million times
And tell you how beautiful you look.

Get to feel every inch of you
From your silk hair down to your face
With Hands tracing further to your waist 
Whispering into those gorgeous ears
how perfect you are.

I want to be there
every single moment the sun lights up your face
Believe you me,
Nothing could be more satisfying.

The truth is,
Nothing truly matters anymore
Not Fame
Nor Riches
Or Power
But you alone.

This shouldn't be said out loud
These words should be buried beneath my heart
Some faces won't like this
Neither would my Ex.

I have no choice.
The thought of you not knowing
Drives me crazy
I just hope these words reaches you safe.

I can't promise you anything
But this I would gladly say

Right between both night stands,
Lies a Beauty worth sacrificing all For.


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