Merry Christmas all.

Merry Christmas Hello StevenLytes, Yes I believe it's time I give a name to this awesome set of individuals that has been faithful in consuming every article written with great delight. Thank you so much. That been said, the 25th of December has always been a remarkable day in the life of Christians all over the globe. The birth of Jesus Christ has always been celebrated wholeheartedly. To be frank, this day in particular has remained my favourite. Owing mainly to the chain of events that takes place (and I aren't just talking about item Mom's meals are always extraordinary prepared. Grilled Chicken, baked cake, gifts unwrapping etcetera. Christmas Meal Quite a shame this doesn't happen twice or thrice a year.. This year, the whole family couldn't come together due to work schedules, flight travelling schedules suddenly canceled and most importantly, this Buhari's led government has not been fair to our pockets....