A Bleeding Soul

A Bleeding Soul Had a friend (a girl to be specific). Miss Oyoma.The smartest one in the bunch.Could never beat her when it comes to academics, charity and humility. what didn't I try.Let me rephrase. What didn't we all try. She taught me everything I know and how to be competitive. Fight for your place in life she would say but remember is not a crime if you don't make it in your first try. Do hold this very words dearly "Never give up in life" I wish those were the last words you said to me. No, I wish you never said a last word to me. That way I could get to keep you around. Sit by your feet and bath in your knowledge. But you had to go. Leave me stranded in a world filled with questions. The least I could do is pick myself up by my bootstraps and walk in your shadows hoping one day I get to stand tall, shoulders held high and tell the world you made me this man I am today. I believe that day is today. You deserve this tears miss. How do ...