Simple Steps to More Productive Meetings

Boardroom Meetings What are some tips for making the most of weekly 1-on-1 calls between a remote employee and a manager? originally appeared on Qoura - the knowledge sharing network where compelling questions are answered by people with unique insights. Answer by Jane Chin, author of Practical Leadership for Biopharma Executives, on Qoura : Whether as manager or employee, I like an ordered, Prioritized Communication Format that allows me to make the most of weekly 1-on-1 calls: 1. Personal Communication. Personal Communication can and should be as simple as asking a mindful "How are you?" and should take no more than 2-3 minutes. Unless there has been a significant personal development that can impact work performance, personal communication should be brief. Should the call end before its allotted time, which may happen as both employee and manager improve efficiency and effectiveness of weekly 1-on-1 calls, you can return to "personal small talk" ...