The Power Figures

Power Figures They’re all gone, the power figures, They’re all gone, the power figures, the shapers of my being. Grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles their mission for me fulfilled. Teachers, ministers, neighbors, childhood friends, lovers, even strangers that I’ve met; all of them God’s Mathematicians. Each adding, subtracting, from what I would be. Sometimes I wonder, are they softly cheering, content; or silent, weeping, ashamed of me? Harold Johnson 2015the shapers of my being. Grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles their mission for me fulfilled. Teachers, ministers, neighbors, childhood friends, lovers, even strangers that I’ve met; all of them God’s Mathematicians. Each adding, subtracting, from what I would be. Sometimes I wonder, are they softly cheering, content; or silent, weeping, ashamed of me? POEM BY HAROLD Johnson