Only In Time Miss


When i think of love
i think of u
I think of me
and all we could be

I think about "us"
and know that I must
and take a step back

Because this is all in my head
a story no one has read
a secret held close to my heart

So i sit and wish
and I dream of a time
that when anyone asks
I can say that you're mine

For i once heard a whisper
or perhaps just my thoughts
that I am not the only one

who wishes
and dreams
and dares to believe
that there would be an "us"
a "you and me"

And there would be a time
that when anyone asks
I can say that you're mine

That time would come
I know this,I do
just like i know
that roses are red
and violets are blue
and forever and always
I have loved you...

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