Because I Drove Drunk!

We sat in a bar
We got stinking drunk
We left in my car
Were both full of spunk

We drove through the night
Both talking some trash
I ran a red light
Head on was the crash

I lay in the street
The blood would not stop
A beer by my feet
Approached by a cop

Body was shaking
Heart dropped when he said
"Ain't no mistaking
Your best friend is dead."

I was arrested
Ass put in a cell
Strength was then tested
In suicide hell

Very next morning
Inside a Courtroom
People were mourning
I shared in their gloom
I looked at his Mom

Eyes teary and sad
Her world without charm
I knew she was MADD
"I am so sorry

Through hell I will trudge
I wish it were me
May God be my judge."
I have no defense

I'm going away
Jail's one consequence
I sadly must pay
The price it will cost

It's steep as can be
I carry a Cross
Too heavy for me
I sit in my cell

I see your son's face
In suicide hell
I constantly pace

My heart can't go on
My soul has no spunk
My best friend is gone
Because I drove drunk.”

drunk driving
Because i drove drunk
 There are about 17,000 alcohol related car accident deaths in
the United States each year, this means that there is a drunk
driving death every 31 minutes. Alcohol was a factor in 39
percent of all fatal accidents and in 7 percent of all crashes in

Additionally about 248,000 people are injured in accidents
where police reported that alcohol was present, thus one person
is injured in a drunk driving accident in the US every 2
minutes. These incredible statistics reveal why drunk driving is
a major public policy issue.

*This poem is not about me. However, I do know people who have
killed friends and/or others while driving drunk. I think a lot
of social drinkers are unaware of just how drunk they are and
get behind the wheel. I enjoy writing poems that send messages
and I hope someone receives this message and think before
they drink and drive. Who needs something like this on their
conscious. It could happen to anyone. Especially those who don't
think it can happen to them. God bless and be safe.


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