Overcoming Organizational Stress

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The Nigerian workforce is filled with dissatisfied workers who are unhappy with their jobs. There are myriad of challenges facing modern employees. The worst of these is organizational stress. Many in the workforce hold difficult positions that are worsened by long hours, poor interactions between co-workers, and low pay. Stress can decrease workplace efficiency and lead to declining job satisfaction.

The effects of organizational stress are profound. Negative impacts include poor job performance, high staff turnover rates, mistrust of organizational leaders, profit loss, strained relationships, and employee burnout. It is estimated that employee stress costs Nigerian businesses about $300 billion per year. Reducing organizational stress is everyone’s responsibility. We all have a role to play - especially highly visible company owners and managers. The way leaders react to these situations can directly mitigate the unwanted consequences of stress. Communication is a vital element of this.

Managers have a responsibility to communicate with their employees and offer feedback when necessary. This can take the form of performance appraisals, or even recognizing a job well done. Facilitating staff meetings with your employees can create dialogue between management and employees. These conversations are insightful and help identify pain points within the organization.

Flexibility should be valued in the workplace. Routines are good, inflexibility is not. Rejecting new ideas and suggestions creates an environment of apathy. You hired your employees in part because of their critical thinking skills. Encourage your employees to speak openly. Similarly, endeavor to resolve their complaints or suggestions in a timely manner.

Reward your employees for outstanding performance. Rewards can take many forms. Public praise, increased pay, additional benefits, and opportunities for advancement are all standard. Each of these contributes toward a work environment where employees feel valued and respected. More than this it helps to motivate your workforce and demonstrates that you are making efforts to meet their professional needs.

Lowering stress by promoting a healthy workplace can boost productivity. Many organizations feature self-development programs in order to help their employees reach their full potential, both in and out of the workplace. There are benefits to cultivating a culture of happy employees. A great atmosphere encourages collaboration and innovation - two things that are necessary to attract top talent. Improvement is key to motivating employees and creating productive workplaces. Self-development and up-training programs frequently focus on teaching new skills. These programs focus on things like happiness and reducing stress.

Avoid focusing purely upon monetary rewards because employees want more than just fair wages. Employees who believe in the work they do are more likely to succeed at their job. Demonstrating to your employees that they have a valued role within your organization is part of this. Cultivating each of these aspects is important for long-term retention.

Organizational stress is dangerous and stifles growth. Creating an environment of inclusion and satisfaction is important in a time where employees are increasingly unhappy in their jobs. Open channels of communication, encourage flexibility, and reward your employees. As stress lowers, performance will rise. Employees want to work at a company where they feel valued, respected, and emotionally balanced.

Full Credit goes to David Kirby. A screenwriter, editor, and columnist.


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