'Britain's vainest man' is BANKRUPT after spending £100k on surgery and celeb lifestyle

surgery, fashion
Britain's own Sam Barton
Sam Barton, 22, spent the staggering sum over the past four years.

The ex-barman - who has based his lifestyle on Joey Essex, a star of ITV's reality show The Only Way Is Essex – has admitted regularly spending thousands of pounds a night on champagne.

I never thought of how much anything cost - if I wanted something, I bought it

Sam Barton

He went into the red after spending a small fortune on plastic surgery including £20,000 on his teeth, £5,000 on cosmetic injections and a 

                                                                                       further £10,400 on a nose job.

Sam, who lives in Four Oaks, Birmingham, also drained his bank accounts with foreign holidays, designer outfits, jewelry and even £1,000 on flashy accessories for his pet cat.

Before filing for bankruptcy, Sam - the grandson of Aston Villa's European Cup-winning manager Tony Barton - held 15 credit and store cards and had a large overdraft.

He admitted: "I've been absolutely crazy with money since I was 18 but especially in the last two years when I've just simply had the time of my life.

"I never thought of how much anything cost - if I wanted something, I bought it. I've spent around £55,000 trying to improve my looks and get the perfect image.

"The rest I've spent on designer clothes, jewelry, holidays, spa treatment and champagne. In total, I have spent around £100,000."

lavish lifestyle of celebrities
Sam's Regular checkups
Sam Barton enjoying having one of his             many regular cosmetic treatments

Nose Surgery.
Sam After One Of His Numerous Surgeries

Sam, who dreams of appearing on reality show Celebrity Big Brother, added: "I'm in debt but have no regrets.

"I'm young and I am having the time of my life. Debt doesn't really worry me.

"I am in a lot of debt but have been advised to wipe the debt out and just start again afresh.

"My mother won't be happy as she believes you should pay your debts back. But if I'm able to clear my debts by declaring myself bankrupt, then I'll do that."

Aside from his 15 credit and store cards, Sam fueled his spending-spree with two part time jobs.

As well as working behind a bar and at a supermarket, Sam also enjoyed numerous handouts from generous family and friends.

"When I was a child my parents had lots of money, lost it all and made it again," he said.

"That meant I experienced being spoiled and then having it taken away from me.

"I was always pretty good with money as a kid, though. I would save my pocket money and then make my brother spend his. But when I got to 18, I just wanted the glam life and to live like a celebrity.

"I saw Joey Essex on TV and thought I would love to be like him. He was having the time of his life and so my pursuit of the celebrity life started."

Sam first hit the headlines after revealing he had had a free nose job on the NHS.

Describing his long-held desire to become a celebrity, he said: "It is my ultimate dream to look, feel and act like a celebrity. I'm chasing a lifestyle and I feel that if I mirror celebrities, like Joey [Essex], I will look good and feel good.

"If the celebrities are spending all their money on treatments, then so will I."

Photo Credits to: Dailymail.


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