A Poem To You Miss..

Miss Fraih
This is strange
I never get goose bumps from just a pic

Never been eager to gain approval
From a lady
I try to hold all cards
But not this one

You different from the rest
You have taken control
And I can't get it back

My heart skips
Just to see you type

You care for people
Way more than I could

If am allowed to dream
I imagine you speaking
Whispering words only I can hear.

Not many people know true talent
And fewer could appreciate it.

But I do
Every bit of you is pure talent
You beautiful
And smart
Caring and calm
Traits that are truly hard to come by

You think you suck @ making friends??
So not true.
You perfect.

Am glad I met you.
Am glad fate picked me

Nothing could be more divine
Than me stumbling unto your pic


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