Falling Chapter Two


The next morning was not like any other she had woken up to. A tingly sensation of pain had filled her head and her hands were both numb.
Is this really what people go through when they are hungover? She mumbled to herself.Remind me not to have more than a glass of wine again.

But the thought of Mark never slipped her mind for once.Even in her state, she could hear his deep smooth voice at the back of her head.His strong touch and all the body heat she once craved for.
Get over yourself Sarah.She smacked herself into reality. It was only a one night thing and he was very drunk. Won't be a surprise if he didn't remember who I was next time.

The morning went slowly than expected.Bussiness at mister Steven's wasn't booming as usual. She glanced at her watch. Oh my God. Am so late to class. Mr Futch won't take this lightly on me.
There was something scary about Mr Futch that made her jump out of her skin whenever his name was mentioned. He reminded her so often of her old life and all that was wrong with it.

Those ageless men having their way with young girls without any show of remorse or consequences. Wish they all could drop down and die.better yet, I get the opportunity to set them ablaze. A wishful thinking she knew only existed in the forewalls of her mind.

Finally someone took time to grace us with her presence.He shouted from the top of the stairs.
Stopped dead in her tracks,she thought of the quickest lie she could lay mind to. Don't go to your sit just yet miss Sarah.Could you make your way to the front of the class.

I know most of the lecturers have taken a shine unto you but you don't fool me for a minute. Would you care to explain why you coming an hour late into my class? And don't you give me the excuse of traffic because we both know you don't have a car to begin with.

Feeling more disgraced than she had ever been, she forgot exactly what she had in mind of saying.
I took a wrong bus sir.I wasn't aware the driver had plans to take a longer route. It would never happen again sir.
Can you all hear what she just said class?" The most brilliant girl as supposedly being said had no idea what bus she was in.

They all burst into laughter.
Take a cue from this class, not just because you are able to answer some few questions or turn early your assignments that makes you entirely smart.

I believe miss Sarah has learnt a great deal of lesson from this.The next time you arrive late to my class won't just inquire you to state your claim but would earn you an F grade.

For the rest of the lecture, Sarah could barely concentrate. Her mind drifted off to the humiliation she just faced. Not aware of the fact that Mark had been standing next to her for the last thirty minutes.

Miss Sarah; Sarah.Hello, Hope someone is in this beautiful body standing next to me.
Oh my. so sorry.I literally had no idea when I drifted off she replied. Obviously startled.

Hello Mark, nice to see you once again. I certainly hope you sober because I have no interest in shoving you down the back seat of a taxi today. They both gave out a loud laugh that made all heads turn.
I should apologize miss, is really unlike me to get entirely wasted on a night out with a beautiful lady. I usually let her do the drinking and I be the one paying for a taxi to take her home. Something about you made me feel free for the first time in my life.That I felt totally safe letting you see me in such a bad manner. It is only ideal I apologize for my behaviour.

He is such well mannered; the little voice played at the back of her mind. Is not everyday we get to meet a guy with such noble character and respect for the female world.
There is nothing to worry about. We both had lots to drink last night and I was pretty drunk myself. Am just glad we both got to our various destination safely.

Thanks miss. Now let me buy you a real drink I promised. At least it would take your mind of professor Futch. And before you entertain that sneaky little thought of saying no, remember you owe me one.
Jeez. You are killing me Mark. How on earth can one be so persuasive?" I thought only Hitler had that power.
Alright. Just one bottle. I have to get back to work.Not everyone is as wealthy as you are.
Hold on, am not wealthy, at least not me. My parents are but that isn't me.I love to work for what I want and strongly belive in.

Ok am sorry. Could we go now before Mr Futch comes out and put a dent in my very good mood.
Absolutely. Lead the way miss.
The bar at 4th Avenue was the closest. Mark had planned a very expensive date but having been branded wealthy by the girl he was totally finding interesting, it was ideal not to push one's luck.
Hope you like it. Is not much but I figured it would do for one bottle. I should state it right here that this doesn't count as a favour been paid.

Blushing real hard now, she could barely say a word.
You really should not pay Mr Futch any attention. Heard stories about how he treats young ladies who won't bend to his demands. Is quite amazing they let him still lecture even after knowing his track record.
Am not worried about him. You might find it hard to believe but I have crossed paths with such men. Would have loved to tell you all about it but that is a chapter in my life I don't want to relive anymore.

Not to worry miss, I have been known not to be that curious when it comes to touchy feelings. Let's just relax, have a sip of our finest grape wine; whatever that is and I get to drop you off at work. We don't even have to say a word.
They both smiled at one another. Giving passage for the moment to take it's course.

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