A YOoung Man's Faith

I have had numerous of challenges..hell no..numerous of
problems would perfectly paint the situation am in..A solid
example would be like the one staring me in the face with
no intention of blinking.

Right from my secondary school days, I had told God two
(2) things with my deepest faith I could muster as at that
1...I was never going to write a mock exam
2...I was going into a university where 90% of the students
where totally rich....where the school fees was tremendous
and u could differentiate the wealthy from the average..
Now this I should clear up...my family wasn't all that
wealthy but we had everything we wanted[peace of mind in

I never imagined far away from earth's grip...A higher
power was listening with rapt attention
During my time in school in a class literally known to the
world as SS2, my dad felt the nid to transfer me to a
different college...

I literally got vexed and decided to rebel against it.little
did I know that this was totally going to be to my benefit
A little down the path to my story, I had no need to take
a mock exam before gearing up for my waec.

Infact the school totally abolished mock exam for that year with no
visible explanation for the decision taken
Enquired from my loyal friends from my previous school,
they all said every student was being forced to participate
in a mock exam...Right then I knew one of my absurd
request had been answered.

My choice of university was no ordinary from the average
student whoever Schooled in Benin City..
Uniben has been a feeling of pride to me..d state of the
art buildings, the free will of students to live off campus
and the number of prominent men and ladies she had
produced from her bowels.

But this couldn't align with my second request..A whooping
eighty-five (85) percent could not be deemed as
wealthy..But my burning desire to stay off campus, cut
away from the entire world and buried in my own solitude
outweighed my second wish...

But am old enough to know d law of attraction or a higher
power [which I totally belive Is God] makes a habit of
making situations deemed impossible a thing of a

Just like every other morning I have woken up to for the
past 18 years of my life, got a call from my sister in lagos
asking how I fancied being a part of the best school in the
world[in ha opinion and anyone who cares to listen].
Been lost completely I said you mean Harvard ...

Chuckled a bit she replied no silly, Covenant University.
Need I say this was a topic frequently discussed in

Like an aged man telling a midnight story encompassed with children roundabout in a night flame..
No jeans, no cell phones, all day Church activities and the
most piercing one, one couldn't pair with the opposite
sex...that just placed a hole in my boat..spent alot of time
in a boarding house of the same sex, i needed a
change..cast a glance at a woman, admire her skin and
run a finger through her spin..Totally unacceptable in
where she wanted me to spend the next five years of my

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