Self Destruction! A Stone Throw Away.

human anatomy
Self Destruction

"Comparison is an act of violence against the self." - Iyanla Vanzant

We hear voices in our head a million times. The voices are our attitude towards ourselves. The voices are our perception towards others.

The action that proceeds the voices are our chosen reactions. Chances are, we destroy elements in the process.

Relationships are too many an example of what commonly suffer from our choice to react toward negative, unrelenting voices. On the other hand, self also becomes the primary victim.

A person's overall wellness also include mental and behavioural soundness. In today's world of perfectionism, stress related self-destruct takes a big spot on life's stages especially when they are not controlled and when one loses grip of reality versus idealism.

Self-destruct is also defined as "to make yourself fail." How could anyone want to fail, let alone make one's self fail, lest it be for a very compelling, negative reason or trigger. Perhaps it is healthy to recognize those triggers regardless a sensitive matter to deal with.

Media Exposure

Self-construct nowadays is composed of too many suggested "make-up" alterations. We try to fit ourselves in others' standards and for money and sacrifice of identity in order to gain allegiance to the shiny and popular.

The false realization that you won't fit in unless you become a certain way is self-destruct. Getting one's self hooked to the business is a ticket to failure at life's later phases.

The positive voice: Stay away from too much exposure to worldly media. Your clothes fit and your body is an amazing work of art by God. You are so beautiful and you are smarter than this. Don't let anybody or anything tell you otherwise.

People Pleasing

The hunger for applause is a deception to self-esteem. What happens when all the curtains are drawn back down and the lights are out? What happens when no one is actually ever pleased? It is self-destructive to think that you need to explain yourself all the time.

The positive voice: You know what they say: we cannot please everybody. You don't really have to. Only the ones who actually care, see the good in you and know what would be better for you.

I am different

Yes you are. And maybe that's a good thing. Declare your self-worth. Your words have power over you. When you compare your life to everybody else's and welcome the difference negatively, what cruelty… what frustration you are setting up on yourself.

The positive voice: God made me.

Not enough yet…

Stress is one of the killer diseases in society today. While it is not wrong to pursue career advancements for instance, but it is self-destructive to overwhelm one's self with work until Kingdom come. When is enough ever going to happen?

The positive voice: Be content. (Hebrews 13:5)


There are toxic relationships. It happens when we suddenly link with people who turn out to be destructive instead of constructive. Some may be careless about what you feel.

Some may not be sensitive enough about what you go through in life. These are gauges of the kind of bridges you build with them.

All people are good. But what you need to know is whether they are good for you. If you allow destructive people to govern you, you have already opened the gate for yourself to be destroyed even before you do.

The positive voice: God will connect me to the right people as I begin to ask Him for relationship wisdom.

In order to effectively say no to self destruct, it is healthy to acknowledge the source of emptiness and the causes that lead you to it. Only then will you be able to get around with knowing how to deal with self-destruct thought patterns and behaviours.


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