Depression! Crawling Out From Her Shackles.

So this is an article I found in a friend's blog...Not going change many wordings...And am going to give a direct link..Deep thoughts..

4:45am. I am super high and exploring Indie summer songs and autoplay decides to bless me with a song I'm later to fall in love with. Ugly Heart by disbanded girl group G.R.L.

0.02 seconds into the song and my friend starts telling me the story of one of the band members Simone Battle.

As inquisitive and obsessed with things as I am, my friend's story isn't enough for me so I go in search of articles about her and I read the most heartbreaking thing that became the inspiration for my first blog post.

She killed herself.

Found dead in her bedroom closet. She hung herself due to depression she had been dealing with for months.

Depression isn't something to joke around with, it has beenthe cause of many deaths in the past year and the more I learn about suicide stories caused by depression,

I think to myself "What would've hurt someone so much to the point where they decide the best and easiest escape is to end their life?" and it isn't something anyone ever sees coming because people don't write depression on their foreheads or their chests, they suffer from inside till it consumes their entire being.

I watched G.R.L's music videos and interviews trying to find the smallest show of sadness or withdrawal from Simone and there was nothing, she seemed like the liveliest of the group.

You never know what the person next to you is going through, just like everyone else Simone had family, friends and bandmates who loved her but in the midst of all that, she still suffered and nobody was able to realise that until she was dead.

Your bestfriend could be suffering or your partner, your mum it could be anybody, even you. If you or anyone you know is going through a hard time no matter how minor it seems, seek help, talk to someone, share your problems.

A little talk with a stranger who's willing to listen could go a long way. Sometimes be nice, give a compliment, smile at someone, it could change the persons day.

Ending your life may seem like the best way to escape your problems at the peak of your troubles but there's help and you can get it and save your loved ones the horrible pain of losing you.  If you know or have come across someone that needs help, you can help by referring them toGRLgivesanhour .

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